About Us
Our Mission:
To embrace design and technology creating practical, eco-friendly and stylish solutions for Australian homes.

Holly: 31, loves chocolate and chai tea, totally obsessed with her dog (sheltie) and bearded dragon and terrible at loading the dishwasher
Rory: 30, loves a good coffee, training to be a helicopter pilot, hates city traffic and meticulous at loading the dishwasher.
The start of Printing Potters:
Hi! Holly here 👋. My partner Rory and I are the proud creators of Printing Potters.
Rory and I met as bushfire fighters back in 2018, fast forward past 7 years of camping trips, Holly’s crazy pets, 1000’s of hobbies, career changes and constant talk of creating a small business and we arrive at August 2023, cue Printing Potters!
We were inspired by seeing our super talented friends start up side hustles so we thought we would give it a red hot crack!
Shout out to:
So how did we arrive at home decor?
Well, if you mix Rory's talent for tinkering with technology with my creative brain/expert level of online shopping it was basically written in the stars!
We started with 1 printer….aaand now we have 5 and still plan to scale up as needed. We have also started our side collection Printing Pets. Things have moved fast in our first year of business!
Follow us on instagram @printingpotters to keep an eye out for market dates!
We love saying hello and if you have any questions, we are happy to help!